REALIZARILE,GANDURILE MELE SI ALE ALTORA SUNT AICI ... DIN PASIUNE,CU RABDARE SI PERSEVERENTA MI-AM DESCOPERIT ACEST "TALENT". VA MULTUMESC TUTUROR CELOR CARE IMI VIZITATI MICUL MEU "UNIVERS"... Achievements, my thoughts and other ARE HERE ... Passion, patience and perseverance I discovered this "talent". THANK YOU to all who visit my little "universal" ...
BERETA SAU CE VRETI VOI SA FIE/Beret ou ce que vous voulez être/Beret or what you want to be
Este crosetata cu fir de bumbac 100% (FLAVIA)
Calota are diametrul de 19 cm,iar partea ce intra pe cap este de 14 cm (se poate modela pe o dimensiune de 19 cm, lucratura fiind elastica).
Cine doreste sa obtina un astfel de produs ma poate contacta la adresa de e-mail:
Mentionez faptul ca o pot face la ce dimensiune doriti si pe orice culoare (detaliile le stabilim prin corespondenta electronica)
It is woven with 100% cotton thread (FLAVIA)
The dome has a diameter of 19 cm and entering the head is 14 cm (can model the size of 19 cm, workmanship is elastic).
Who wishes to obtain such a product can contact me at e-mail:
Mention that can do what you want size and any color (we set details via electronic mail)
Il est tissé avec du fil de coton 100% (FLAVIA)
Le dôme a un diamètre de 19 cm et d'entrer la tête est de 14 cm (peut modéliser la taille de 19 cm, la finition est élastique).
Qui souhaite obtenir un produit tel peuvent me contacter à l'adresse électronique:
Mentionner que peut faire ce que vous voulez taille et ne importe quelle couleur (nous avons défini les détails par courrier électronique)
...Handy Crafter...: Crochet Storage and Stuffed Toys
...Handy Crafter...: Crochet Storage and Stuffed Toys: Between diaper changes and nap times I always find time to do my favorite thing: crochet. Last week it was time to work on this green lace e...
...Handy Crafter...: Custom 150cm / 60" Sara doily rug ready
...Handy Crafter...: Custom 150cm / 60" Sara doily rug ready: Yesterday I finished a new custom sized Sara rug to a wonderful customer in Texas. I really hope she will enjoy the rug. I had such a fun ti...
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MaryJ Handmade: Orchidea all'uncinetto | How to crochet an orchid
MaryJ Handmade: Orchidea all'uncinetto | How to crochet an orchid : Buongiorno a tutti! Oggi vi propongo un nuovo progetto! Una delizios...
Fiindca nu am mai postat de mult va prezint ultimele realizari
- Crosetata cu fir Catania (alb) si Alize (albastru-bleu) ...